Friday, May 2, 2008

Major Media News Blackout On Oklahoma's Demonstration Of Unemployment Reduction Through Discouragement Of Illegal Residence

Why would one have to go to far corners of the internet to find out the following information?
From this Source: "Unemployment in Oklahoma plummets after crackdown on illegals"
"Unemployment rates are rising across the United States, except Oklahoma. That state is experiencing the most dramatic reduction in unemployment since 2007, an improvement many in Oklahoma attribute to the passage last year by the state legislature of a strong employment-focused immigration reform law. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday reported unemployment in Oklahoma had fallen to 3.1 percent in March, down from 4 percent in March last year, while unemployment nationwide was 5.1 percent, up from 4.4 percent in March last year." [ found on IMMIGRATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL ] See also Texas - An end to Illegalities?, which has replies to race and class aspects that some complainers about the legislation tried to use.
When an American is displaced from employment to accomodate a foreigner, he stops paying taxes, and the remaining taxpayers have to make up the difference. The poorer or fewer taxes that the displacing foreigner is or pays, and the more net public subsidy he uses, the more he increases the level of aggression here. Since the effects on the net taxpayers of our citizenry vary substantially according as the foreigner of the above type, has better or worse relevant moral qualities, how are those effects not attributable to him, which vary according to his moral choices?

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