Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Glimpse Of The Pro-Diversity Future As the Diversity Managers Dream It

...with the two Asian senators at the spearpoint of this bold thrust at our sovereignty i.e.
a racial government for Hawaii with features building towards secession:
___ "If the Senate overrides the veto, it will speed the country’s embrace of a form of post-nationalism (already held by many elites) — a confederation of various races, ethnicities and interest groups competing for special privileges, exemptions and recognition.
The Akaka Bill creates a race-based government for native Hawaiians. Even its supporters don’t deny that the bill could lead to outright secession. In the meantime, the bill will produce a regime of racial preferences, reparations, and lawsuits fueled by ethnic grievance, victimhood, and entitlement...." found in More Race Politics From the Un-Post-Racial Candidate
The broken pediment, or was he the Natural Bridge of Hybrid Vigor, is all for this split-off.
All three mixed-race senators are enthused over this fissuring along strictly racial lines. Two out of three of them are spearheading it with the Akaka bill. This points to what the power-greedy perhaps don't want anyone but themselves to observe; the mixed-race are not natural bridges but natural dividers. If so, why is this? At the frontiers we find the most warlike, and their increase is assisted by those further off the frontiers of conflict, so that those who can effectively stimulate that assistance through carefully managing frontier conflict to their advantage, increase numbers and their practices relative to those who are less able to manage this feat.
This is what valuing openness to diversity means in practice; valuing division and conflict and the power that grows from being the arbiter, and ever more arbitrary, ruler of the intensified conflicts and divisions. Competition for power is not always zero-sum. Forty dictatorships hacked from one republic offer hugely more power for those who ride Diversity to the top of the devolutionary racial sovereignties, although the nukes presumably would stay with the big remainder, and thus the international power need not atrophy that much. The wars that get us to the devolutions allow for essentially unlimited power Re: the citizenry. Even if every catalyzed conflict fizzles, there is still great increase of power to be won for each step towards the ultimate divisions.


Anonymous said...

"This is what valuing openness to diversity means in practice; valuing division and conflict and the power that grows from being the arbiter, and ever more arbitrary, ruler of the intensified conflicts and divisions."

That pretty much sums it up. What are they going to do though......when they are "voted out" as arbiter? It wont always be white/jewish "executives" at the top of various organizations. Its amazing to me some of the subjects at hand do not consider this. Perhaps they care so little for their own progeny that they do not mind putting them into an incredibly tight spot. How would you like to be a would-be white contractor trying to secure a job bid with D.C., or Honolulu? You practically have to come with a massive corporate face representing the "shareholder-stocracy" to even have a chance. And you better have given Jessie Jackson and LaRaza plenty of free shares and seats on your board. This is the way it will be in the future.

If whites keep "selling out" other whites at such a pace.............what will they do when the amount of whites left is only 40% of the populace?

I wish "diversity" could be ran as an experiment in a small place (California) first before spreading all over the nation. Oh wait, weve done that...........and the whites just keep moving out of there. This doesnt bode well for yours truly. You see Im white, and dont wish to move anymore.

John S. Bolton said...

White elites need to be aware of the bad future that is being prepared for them as well. They already are getting flabbergasted by their being no places for their children at the best schools. Rich ones without the political connections are feeling it through their children's life chances right now. It's hard for even the smart and learned to break out of the indoctrination. They start out as students who must get past professors to get somewhere, so the left has great influence over them. Normally the elites use their intelligence to project the future and not leave it up to the ordinary people to carry out this indispensable function. Tragically, almost none of the smartest will help the others with this job of projecting the future, leaving them on their own to make do on their own abilities and common sense.

Audacious Epigone said...

"This points to what the power-greedy perhaps don't want anyone but themselves to observe; the mixed-race are not natural bridges but natural dividers."

Great quote. Steve's looked at a few case studies showing this, but it'd be nice if someone looked at the trend more quantitatively. I'll be using that quote for an upcoming game review with a mixed race antagonist, impeccably timed given the '08 Presidential election. Thanks.

John S. Bolton said...

Thanks for the compliment, I imagine it could even be original, since the idea of the natural bridge is modern in this context. The natural bridge metaphor is prompted, almost compelled by the Euro-progressives who've been having their pictures taken on belle epoque bridges, in support of the Obama candidacy. There is a parasitical bit of image-thieving going on there, though. If the bridge is indeed beautiful, this will be because it was built before there was any possibility of an Obama becoming president in Anerica. No one then would have built more than an industrial utilitarian span, if they had thought that their descendants would have an Obama set over them. This consideration picks out the nihilism in the Obama supporters; they give an impression of being in competition to see who can be the most uncaring about the future, in terms of the continuity of civilization. Again, it seems likely that those with children and no room for fashion-plated nihilism, will be the determiners and shapers of the voting pattern.

Anonymous said...

All of you are vomiting some kind of xenophobic paranoia in faux-intellectual language. The blog has enabled the not-so-eloquent verbalization of your deepest prejudices. Do you honestly believe young white males are reeling in a society that has just barely emerged from arch-conservative governance? Maybe it's the class-based cronyism accompanied by a media wall of propaganda designed to bring people together through common fears and anxieties that has hindered the progress of all who are not special to those in power.